Individual Code

Project Contributions

  1. Started with wireframes for the whole site and main functionality

First wireframe, displays intended functionality and layout wireframe 1

  1. Started making frontend, with basic functionality such as displaying songs in playlist cj ver 1

  2. Worked on website wireframes while Toby figured out how the authenticate on the Spotify API wireframe 2

  3. After Toby got spotify API working, implemented various features one-by-one until completion, using a mix of imperative and OOP, with every song being used as an object with methods for getting song data


  • media player controls
  • adding to queue
  • getting song data
  • working seek bar and volume bar

cj ver 2

  1. Future plan is to polish frontend and continue with project until it is consumer-ready

Additional features:

  • rewrite so it only adds to spotify queue when the song should start, so that we can remove songs from the queue or start playing other ones immediately.

GitHub Analytics

Overall: github analytics

more jithub analytic

Individual Blog

Java Lessons

All on my time box, did most of the hacks except for ones that would take too long, as a huge criticism I have of this trimester is that the lessons took WAY too long. They were supposed to be 10 minutes with 30 minutes of homework, which would leave us extra class time for the project, but instead, we had lessons run until the bell, with additional hours of hacks after that. This took away from most of feature week and project work time in general.

CollegeBoard MCQ

Haven’t done it yet, will link corrections here after.


This trimester has made me realize that I will need to put in a lot more in order to coordinate teams that aren’t as passionate as I am. With Team JCK last year, I had to do very little in terms of designating tasks and quality control, as everyone else was extremely motivated to work. This tri, we weren’t as able to choose members for our team and were left with people who did not put as much in as I would have liked, and this is partially due to me expecting them to proactively seek out tasks. This was also difficult for them though, as I was too busy making the classroom to complete all of the needed wireframes.