Week 11 Review Ticket

  • Night at the Museum I only visited other periods of CSP and CSA (and Psych for other reasons), but I saw some pretty cool stuff, however I only took pictures before it started, of people's VSCode (because I thought it would be funny), and only took photos of two groups because I kind of forgot. Here is a picture of a phone taking a picture of someone's Dictionary website using an API. Here is a picture of a crime data website.
  • CollegeBoard Multiple Choice Questions Score: 45/50
    Corrections: The correct answer is C because honestly I read the question too fast and flipped the "<" If x is less than 0 (negative) then y is defined and the procedure will return "True", otherwise it returns nothing.
    The answer is A because the application *would* need Brandon and Cynthia's usernames to find their dietary restrictions, but not of everyone on their contacts list.
    I don't really get this one.
    The answer isn't A because routing on the internet is usually dynamic, meaning that the order is not specified in advance.
    On this one I knew both A and D would work, but I didn't realize I was supposed to select multiple answers. The reason I went with D, however, is because it is what I would have done.