Performance Task #1

Row # Score Explanation
1 1/1 Video clearly showed input as described by written response. Purpose and output clearly met.
2 1/1 Named list with multiple elements, which contributes to purpose as shown in code segment where it is used.
3 1/1 Explains how the list makes coding easier and gives an example of how the code would look without the example.
4 1/1 Procedure of at least one parameter has function described and how it contributes to the program purpose.
5 1/1 Algorithm is described as in row 4, and steps are clear enough for replication.
6 1/1 Calls return different values and are described.
Overall: 6/6
Actual: 4/6
  • For Row 1: The function of the program is described rather than the purpose
  • For Row 3: List does not manage complexity, as strings could just be used. I believe complexity is referring to simplifying the code, not the coding process.

Performance Task #2

Row # Score Explanation
1 1/1 Purpose, input, output described and shown.
2 1/1 Describes a named list and the data in it. Shows this list contributing to the purpose.
3 1/1 Explains how the list simplifies the code and also shows how the code would be different without the list.
4 1/1 Procedure with at least one parameter is shown being called and contribution to purpose is clear
5 1/1 Algorithm's steps clearly listed and functions as described in row 4.
6 1/1 Calls return different values and are described.
Overall: 6/6
Actual: 6/6