• Runtime Links
  • Technical Accomplishments
    • A LOT of garbage checking through test() function and alerts
    • Utilize GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods for full CRUD (This took most of my time)
    • Use of localStorage in conjunction with database
    • Tons of features for optimizing user experience
      • Search bar
      • Garbage checking
      • Favoriting system with options to show only favorites or clear all favorites
      • When editing, automatically focus on text box with event listeners for Enter key on input and Escape key to revert changes
    • Frontend dev stuff (actually doing stuff that fits my role)
      • Site-wide theme applied and edited to match website
      • Navbar that darkens on hover
      • Stars darken on hover, stars, Xs, and editable text changes cursor to indicate that they are interactive
      • Placeholders to show template for the adding box and placeholders to show what editable text was originally
  • Create Performance Task
  • Github Statistics