• Team Hacks
    • Wireframes
    • Scrum Board
    • Roles
    • Name Role
      Aiden Huynh Product Owner
      Colin Mills Scrum Master
      Azeem Khan Frontend Tech Lead
      Dash Penning Backend Tech Lead
      Toby Leeder DevOps
      Nathan Capule Frontend Developer
      Ishi Singh Backend Developer
      Ekam Kaire Backend Developer
    • Overall Plan: BinaryGames, teaching binary and other concepts like base64 decryption through games!
      • Base64 Bomb Defusal (decrypt defusal code)
      • RGB Guesser (teaches about data? I just did this one for fun won't even lie)
      • Logic gates puzzle
      • Binary math racing
      • Pipe game
      • Escape room containing all of the previous games as clues to escape
  • Pair-Trio Hacks
    • Going to be working on Base64 Defusal and Logic Gates Puzzle Game with Toby Leeder and Dash Penning
  • Big Idea 2 Quiz
    • Score:
    • Corrections:
      • None! 😎😎😎
  • GitHub Commit
    • Most Recent Commit
    • Frontend
    • This is a commit reflecting completion of hacks, organizational changes, and my progress on the RGB Guessing game, in which players guess the RGB value of a randomized color and are then evaluated on their accuracy and given a score. So far I have created the functionality of the game, but I still need to add a couple things:
      • Timer
      • Accuracy calculations (Right now its percent error)
      • Add a limit to questions
      • Start menu, maybe select # of questions and also an endless mode maybe?
      • Score calculations
      • Hints
  • CPT Plans I am planning to redo the CPT and instead use the RGB Guessing game from above, because it is a better accumulation of all of the coding knowledge I have learned in this class, with the exception of using an API because I don't know if I'd have to credit the maker of the API or something and I am too lazy to figure it out.