• Big Idea 4: Computers and Networks
    • Diagram:
    • Example of Completed Hacks:
  • 2020 Practice Exam 1 MCQ
    • Score: 65/66
    • Corrections
      • Question:
        • Consider the following algorithms. Each algorithm operates on a list containing n elements, where n is a very large integer.
      • Answers:
        1. An algorithm that accesses each element in the list twice
        2. An algorithm that accesses each element in the list n times
        3. An algorithm that accesses only the first 10 elements in the list, regardless of the size of the list
      • Original Answer: III only
      • Correct Answer: I, II, and III
        • This is the answer because all of these run in what is considered a reasonable time to CollegeBoard (2n, n, n^2), and for some reason I chose the worst one.
  • Student Lesson Grades
    Lesson Score
    SASS 0.95/1
    Simulations 0.65/1
    Data Structures 0.87/1
    Data related to user 0.85/1
    Frontend-backend .8/1
    TOTAL 4.12/5