Variables, Assignments, and Data Abstraction * Keep variable names simple but not too vague * Spaces and dashes in variable names are improper syntax * Variable types: - Integers are numbers - Text/strings are words (not always) - Booleans are data that determine true/false * Lists can be stored in variables for easy access * Assignment operator allows programs to change values of a variable - = : Sets equal - += : Adds right to left - -= : Subtracts right from left - *= : Multiplies right by left - /= : Divides left by right * Data abstraction represents data in a useful form - Variables and lists * List = Ordered sequence of elements - Related items can be treated as a single value - Can keep adding elements - Store more elements in a single variable * Element = Individual value in a list with a unique index * Index = Way to reference the elements in a list or string using natural numbers (you can do negative in Python tho??) - AP Exam has it start at 1 * Python allows you to append lists to lists but on the AP Exam it just replaces the other list * Hacks * Grade: # Mathematical Expressions and Strings * Sequences are the order that algorithms do things * Selection chooses different outcomes from a decision * Iteration repeats code until true ![stuff]( * Remainder represented by MOD (% in python) * Follows same order of operations as regular mathematics * Numerical values can be stored in variables, as well as other variables, the results of mathematical operations, and results of procedure calls * Strings can be anything * Concatenation adds two strings (like just + in python) * substring(string, starting index, ending index) - substring("thisisabruhmoment", 8, 11) returns "bruh" (CollegeBoard index starts at 1) * Hacks * Grade: 0.9/1 # Boolean * If and else and else if * returns only 2 possible outputs, true or false * includes <, >, =, !=, etc. * Hacks * Grade: 0.95/1 # Lists & Iteration * Iteration is the repetition of a process - Loops (for, while, recursive) * Matrices are complicated lol * Hacks * Grade: 1/1 # Algorithms * Algorithms are processes through code * Conditions are boolean expressions that output true or false * Binary search finds the index of specific values in a list by splitting in half the max(?) * Hacks * Grade: 0.9/1 # Procedures * Procedures are named groups of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values - Parameters are inputs like n in function(n) - return values are the outputs kind of - Also called methods and functions * Arguments specify the values of parameters * Procedure calls interrupt the sequential execution of statements to execute code within the procedure before continuing where the procedure was called * Procedures can return blocks of statements or data like booleans or values * Procedure names should be succinct - Consider input values, purpose - Start with a flowchart (NO) * Hacks * Grade: 0.75/1 # Simulations * Used to test hypothetical situations to prevent real-world consequences * Hacks * Grade: 0.8/1 # Algorithmic Efficiency * Minimize resources used (mainly time and memory) * Efficiency can be determined with time complexity or space complexity - Bubble sort better than insertion because takes less iterations * Heuristic solutions are shortcuts, not necessarily optimal but can make it faster * Hacks * Grade: 0/1 (OOPS)